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One God

In 1996 after being incarcerated for 5 years, Michael opened up the Boise phone directory to the church section and randomly thrust his finger to the page. Under his finger was Collister Community Church.

A fatherly man named Corbett Lynn answered the phone. Known as the cowboy on the horse locally, Pastor Corbett preached a message of salvation by grace through faith in a series of commercials on TV and to the congregation in the Treasure Valley. This same message of Jesus as the substitute for us all on the cross and to die for our sins, be judged in our place, put in the grave and be raised again to life to prove our sins have been taken away appealed to Michael. After all who could turn down the free gift of eternal life by simply believing in Jesus. Mike was saved and gave his life to Christ. This made the pill of being in prison a little easier to understand after studying the Bible but still it seemed unfair.


For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

                                             Romans 8:18

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.                                                                        Romans 8:28

But there is an adversary that wants to sift us as wheat the Bible says in Luke 22:31. Separating the wheat from the chaff is used to keep the grain and discard the useless chaff. The devil would love to discard what is good and keep that in our lives which is useless.

This is the spirit working in this case. To railroad a non Mormon into prison. Why? I can't answer that, maybe the convenience of not having to put up with Mike. Silvia's mother was attending the LDS Church and wanted Micheal gone. Mel Saunders, Jared Fuhriman, Judge Smith and every juror were happy to oblige in this useless act.

The question Michael has asked many times is why would God let this happen? The only one that knows the answer is The Lord. Mike's attitude isn't one of anger or revenge, but of diligence and persistence, to show the facts and gain a new trial. He's not bitter against the state but frustrated at the lack of publicity his case has brought.

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